


[VIDEO] Intentional Outsourcing Series: Episode 1 - Turn Time Efficiency

Welcome to our Intentional Outsourcing series. This episode will discuss turn-time efficiency. Turn time struggles are a constant tension in our industry. If it were simple to solve, our industry would’ve solved it a long time ago. We have a way to help. Watch below and learn how you can positively impact your turn times and customer experience when you plug D. Bello into your title production process.
CEO Jeff Bates, wondering when it will be happy hour.
May 16, 2022
1 min read
Welcome back to our Intentional Outsourcing Series, where we share how you can win by deploying a title production outsource strategy with a purpose.
Our first deep dive will focus on turn-time efficiency. Turn time struggles are a constant tension in our industry. They can occur at any point in the production process journey and affect the completion of a file. Every title company runs into this issue.
If it were simple to solve, our industry would’ve solved it a long time ago. We have a way to help! Watch below and learn how you can positively impact your turn times and customer experience when you plug D. Bello into your title production process.
If you've read this far, don’t forget to check out the video above! Stay tuned for the next video in our Intentional Outsourcing Series, coming soon.

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